Korean J Bone Metab > Volume 16(1); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism 2009;16(1):43-52.
The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women
폐경여성에서 골다공증에 대한 보완대체의학적요법의 사용 현황 조사1)
순천향대학교 순천향서울병원 내분비 내과, 순천향부천병원 산부인과1, 울산대학교 서울아산병원 내분비 내과2, 경희대학교 경희의료원 핵의학과3, 성균관대학교 삼성서울병원 내분비 내과4, 연세대학교 강남세브란스병원 산부인과5, 인하대학교 인하대병원 산부인과6, 중앙대학교 용산병원 산부인과7
To investigate the types, cost and self-satisfaction of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in postmenopausal women with intention for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Total 2211 postmenopausal women visiting 8 university hospitals in Seoul and Kyung-ki province were enrolled in this study. Survey was conducted in personal interviewing. Data was collected and analyzed.
1758 of 2211 (79.5%) participants were on CAM and 1342 (60.7%) were on conventional treatment for osteoporosis. CAM was mostly initiated by choice of one's own or recommendations by family and friends. 28.8% of participants notified their CAM to their physicians while 61.2% did not. Most common (65.6%) reason why they did not notify was `because doctors did not ask`. Self-satisfaction on CAM was excellent, 80.8% of participants answering `more than average satisfaction`. 58.2% of participants answered the cost per month for CAM was about ten thousand to a hundred thousand won.
Many postmenopausal women were performing CAM for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, with satisfaction and durability. More concern and accurate guide of physician are essential to avoid ineffective treatment and economic waste. [Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism, 16(1): 43-52, 2009]
Key Words: Osteoporosis, Complementary medicine, Alternative medicine, Postmenopausal period


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