DNA Methylation and Expression Patterns of Key Tissue-specific Genes
in Adult Stem Cells and Lineage-committed Tissues |
줄기세포의 조직특이적 분화과정에서 중추적 역할을 하는
조직특이 유전자의 메틸화와 발현양상 |
강무일 ,유문간 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 미생물학교실1 |
Abstract |
The transitional-CpG area between the promoters and their nearby retroelements was found to be methylated in a
tissue-specific manner. The transitional-CpG sites of key tissue-specific genes were analyzed using adult stem cells
obtained from bone marrow (BMSC) and adipose tissue (ATSC). The trans-differentiation of BMSC and ATSC was
induced in osteogenic and adipogenic induction media. The transitional-CpG sites of the osteoblast-specific (RUNX2
and BGLAP), adipocyte-specific (PPARγ2), housekeeping (CDKN2A and MLH1), and mesenchyme-unrelated (RUNX3)
genes were examined by methylation-specific PCR. The expression of each gene was measured using reverse-transcription
PCR analysis. The RUNX2, BGLAP, and CDKN2A genes were hypomethylated in the BMSC and the PPARγ2 gene
in the ATSC. Therefore, the expression of mesenchyme-related genes is inversely correlated with the methylation status
of the transitional-CpG sites. The MLH1 gene was hypomethylated in both the BMSC and ATSC. The RUNX3 gene was
in both BMSC and ATSC. The weakly methylated CpGs of the PPARγ2 gene in the BMSC became hypomethylated
during the osteogenic induction. Meanwhile, the CDKN2A gene in the ATSC were hypermethylated during both
osteogenic and adipogenic induction. Weak transitional methylation of the PPARγ2 gene in the BMSC suggests the
involvement of a DNA methylation-dependent mechanism in a propensity of bone marrow to undergo adiopogenesis.
[Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism, 17(1): 1-6, 2010] |
Key Words:
Bone marrow stem cells, DNA methylation |