Korean J Bone Metab > Volume 16(1); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism 2009;16(1):23-28.
The Effect of Hop Based Dietary Supplement Containing Phytoestrogen in Ovariectomized Rat: A Bone Histomorphometric Analysis
난소 적출 쥐에서 식물성 에스트로겐 함유 호프 추출물의 투여가 골 소실에 미치는 영향에 대한 골조직 형태학적 분석
가톨릭대학교 정형외과학교실, American Liberty University California1, 동국대학교 생명화학공학과2
To evaluate the effect of hop based dietary (ERDIC?, Glennrock B.V., Lunteren, Netherlands) intake against the estrogen deficiency induced osteoporosis in in vivo experiment, this study examined 4 groups of Sprague-Dawley rat classified by ovariectomy as well as dietary intake (Group I; Sham surgery, Group II; Sham surgery + ERDIC?, Group III; ovariectomy, Group IV; ovariectomy + ERDIC?). The rats in-group II and IV were fed a diet containing 3g of hop based dietary (3 tablet/day) for 3 months. Histomorphometric indices of cancellous bone of proximal tibia in 4 groups were measured respectively as follows; trabecular bone volume (bone volume/tissue volume, BV/TB), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), osteoid surface (OS/BS), eroded surface (ES/BS), mineralizing surface (MS/BS), mineral apposition rate (MAR), bone formation rate-bone volume reference (BFR/BV). The changes in BV/TV, TB.SP, OS/BS, ES/BS, BFR/BV were significant between group III and IV and group IV increased osteoid formation in microscope. We concluded that hop based dietary intake of genistein and diadzein, the primary isoflavone components, may be responsible for anti-osteoporotic effect in rat. [Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism, 16(1): 23-28, 2009]
Key Words: Hop, Phytoestrogen, Osteoporosis, Ovariectomized rat
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