Relationship between Body Composition and Metabolic Bone Disease in
Korean Male Adults
한국인 성인 남성에서 체성분과 요추 골밀도와의 연관성 |
김창준,이은정,김화목,김현석,이은아,김용성,최지훈,조숙경,정찬희,원종철,박철영,이원영,오기원,박성우,김선우 |
성균관의대 강북삼성병원 내과 |
Abstract |
Objective Although body weight is known to be the most important factor in bone loss, which component of body composition is linked more in bone health is not clarified yet. We analyzed the relationship between the body compositions and lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) in Korean male adults.
Methods In 463 male subjects who participated in medical check-up program, anthropometric measurements and the measurements of fasting glucose, insulin and lipid profiles were done. Body composition analyses were performed by bioimpedence method and lumbar spine BMD was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.
Results Mean age was 49.6 years old and among the subjects, 282 subjects (60.9%) showed normal BMD values, 156 subjects (33.7%) were osteopenic and 25 subjects (5.4%) were osteoporotic. Waist circumference, muscle mass, fat mass and waist-hip ratio showed significant correlation with lumbar spine BMD even after adjustment for age and weight. When the effect of height was adjusted by dividing the BMD with height, weight, waist circumference, fasting glucose, fat mass and waist-hip ratio showed positive correlation with BMD/height, but after adjustment for age and weight, these significances were lost. When multiple regression analyses were performed with lumbar spine BMD as dependent variable, height showed significantly negative correlation and muscle mass showed significantly positive correlation with lumbar spine BMD. When the analyses were performed as lumbar spine BMD/height as the dependent variable, muscle mass was the significant predictor for lumbar spine BMD/height.
Conclusion In this Korean male adults, among the body composition, muscle mass seemed to be the only and mostly significant positive predictor for lumbar spine BMD. The effects of other components of body composition in male subjects seemed to be due to the effect of the skeletal size, defined by height.
Key Words:
Body composition, Lumbar spine bone mineral density |